ADHD Doctor in Manhattan, NY

Michele Campione, M.D. ​

Do you or a loved one suffer from ADHD? If you or your loved one find focusing, finishing projects, paying attention, or having control over your decisions hard, then rely on the experienced services of board-certified ADHD doctor Michele Campione, M.D., in Manhattan, NY.

ADHD Symptoms

ADHD has three main characteristics: distractibility, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. Learn more about these characteristics and behaviors that indicate that you or a loved one might have AHDH.


A person with ADHD might have trouble focusing or might become easily distracted. Other behaviors they might have a hard time with include:

  • Getting and staying organized
  • Starting and finishing projects or tasks
  • Listening to and participating in conversations
  • Paying attention to detail
  • Knowing where something is

If this describes you, then you might want to talk to a professional who can help.


Impulsive behaviors such as spending money freely, interrupting conversations, or changing plans frequently might indicate that a person has ADHD. In addition, other behaviors that an impulsive person with ADHD might struggle with include:

  • Being tactful in conversations
  • Waiting until a person finishes talking
  • Searching for new things to do
  • Exercising self-control or patience

If you struggle to do these tasks, a professional ADHD doctor can help.


Do you find yourself constantly moving or feeling restless? Behaviors that a hyperactive ADHD person might find difficult include:

  • Relaxing or resting
  • Not worrying
  • Not talking

If you can't relax or stay still, let us provide you with the treatment you need.

ADHD Treatment

Many ADHD behaviors are controllable with the right amount of medicine. To ensure maximum effectiveness, medicine dosages often start small and steadily increase until we find the right balance.

Call Michele Campione, M.D., today at 212-706-7494 to schedule your consultation. You may also fill out our online appointment booking form.